From Butterflies to Thunderbolts: Discovering Science with Books Kids Love
by Anthony D. Fredericks    Illustrated by Rebecca N. Fredericks

With award-winning and beloved informational storybooks, users of this detailed resource can explore a variety of scientific concepts. Each section profiles several excellent books such as A River Ran Wild and Brain Surgery for Beginners. Each featured title is summarized, followed by a suggested major book project and additional activities relating to creative dramatics, language arts, math, and social studies. This rich resource is ideal for teachers of elementary students and for parents who love good books and are curious about science.
ISBN 1-55591-946-4      Kgrade 6
8-1/2 x 11   208 pages,
$17.95    paperback
Tony [Fredericks] has produced some great handbooks and this one is no different. ... The book provides wonderful selections of children´s books extended in unique ways. Great index and science resource list. Super job, Tony.
               Patricia Broderick and Allen Raymond
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According to Fredericks, children learn science best through discovery, with teachers and parents facilitating the learning rather than teaching scientific concepts and facts. Intended for used with grades K through 6, From Butterflies to Thunderbolts encourages such an approach by suggesting science trade books and activities to build on children's natural curiosity.

The book consists of nine parts, covering subjects such as animals, plants, the environment, dinosaurs, and space. There are three or four chapters on a subject, with each subject focusing on a single book. The format includes a bibliographic entry, a brief summary of the book, several open-ended questions for use with students, suggested activities, "incredible facts," and a bibliography of related literature.
                Jessica Foster
                    Fairfax County (VA) Public Schools

Link science with children's literature with From Butterflies to Thunderbolts: Discovering Science with Books Kids Love. Sections cover animal and plant biology, environmental science, dinosaur archaeology, earth science, oceanology, weather science and space exploration, with three or four books detailed in every subject area. Each chapter provides a summary of the novel or nonfiction book covered, along with discussion questions, a major project, "incredible facts" from the book with related queries, and recommendations for further reading in the elementary school classroom. Cross-curricular activities throughout the 176-page trade paperback touch on creative dramatics, language arts, math, and social studies.

                Curriculum Review magazine